• Custom Object can speed up your modeling process by accessing your own object library.
• By adding frequently used objects into the scene or modeling process, you can enhance efficiency.
• Custom objects can be accessed in the Files app in OBJ format. In DGArt/CustomObjects folder.
Append Objects
• Append objects, lights, and cameras from another project to help speed up productivity.
• In the project panel, long-press on the selected project, then select "Append" from the menu. Choose any item from the items library.
Points Clone
• Select the object to be cloned.
• Shift-select the reference object.
• Tap on the points clone.
• Adjust parameters as needed.
• In the Modeler - Polygon Edit Mode.
• Select a polygon and tap on "Move".
• Then, drag any related icon to move the polygon.
• This operation supports multiple face selection.
• In the Modeler - Polygon Edit Mode.
• Select a polygon and tap on "Rotate".
• Then, drag any related to adjust the rotation value.
• This operation supports multiple face rotations.
• In the Modeler - Polygon Edit Mode.
• Select a polygon and tap on "Scale".
• Drag drag any related to adjust the scale.
• This operation supports multiple face scale.
Polygon Extrude
• In the Modeler - Polygon Edit Mode.
• Select a poly and tap on "Extrude".
• Drag the icon to adjust the extrude depth.
• This operation supports multiple face extrusions.
Polygon Inset
• In the Modeler - Polygon Edit Mode.
• Select a poly and tap on "Poly Inset".
• Then drag the icon to adjust the inset value.
• This operation supports multiple faces.
Polygon LoopCut
• In the Modeler - Polygon Edit Mode.
• Select 2 side-by-side faces and tap on "Loop Cut".
• The loop face will be divided in half.
Polygon SmoothShift
• In the Modeler - Polygon Edit Mode.
• Select connected multi-faces and tap on "Smooth Shift".
• Adjust the new faces from the top, right, or front view.
Polygon Knife
• In the Modeler - Polygon Edit Mode.
• Tap on "Knife".
• And cut polygon from any view.
• Holding Shift while using the Knife tool snaps cuts to horizontal or vertical lines.
Polygon Cap
• In the Modeler - Polygon Edit Mode.
• Select Polygon.
• Tap on "Polygon Cap".
• Add caps to polygons with three different profile options, along with segment and height control.
Polygon Bridge
• In the Modeler - Polygon Edit Mode.
• Select two polygons close to each other.
• Ensure that the selected faces are aligned with each other.
• Then tap on the "Bridge Poly" button to connect the polygons between the two selected faces.
• Create a hole with the "Bridge Poly" function by selecting two faces opposite each other,
• Then tap on the "Bridge Poly" button. A hole is created within the object.
Poly Catmull–Clark Subdivision surface
• In the Modeler - Poly Edit Mode.
• Tap on Catmull–Clark Subdivision surface.
• Polygons will be subdivided.
Poly Subdivision surface
• In the Modeler - Poly Edit Mode.
• Tap on Subdivision surface.
• Polygons will be subdivided.
Poly Lathe
• In the Modeler - Polygon Edit Mode:
• Ensure there is only one polygon available.
• Tap on "Lathe" to spin the polygon.
• Adjust the slider below to control the lathe's side count.
• Choose the axis that suits your case: X, Y, or Z.
• Once done, tap on the Lathe icon to exit.
• If the polygon face is inverted, use the poly invert tool to fix it.
Polygon Merge
• In the Modeler - Polygon Edit Mode.
• Select polygons that are close to each other and merge them seamlessly.
Polygon Flip
• In the Modeler - Polygon Edit Mode.
• Select a poly and flip its face normal inward or outward.
• This operation supports multiple faces.
Polygon Make Pole
• In the Modeler - Polygon Edit Mode.
• Select a poly and tap on "Make Pole".
• This will generate new faces and a central vertex.
• This operation supports multiple faces.
Polygon Rotate Face
• In the Modeler - Polygon Edit Mode.
• Quad polygon faces are generated by 2 triangle faces,
• which may not appear planar if some of the vertices' positions are not aligned in a plane.
• Use the "Rotate Face" function to rotate the face and achieve your desired polygon look.
• This operation supports multiple faces.
Point Drag
• In the Modeler - Point Edit Mode.
• Tap on "Point Drag" and drag and reposition any point on the screen.
• When mirror mode is on, the point on the opposite x value will change accordingly to the point being dragged.
Point Extend
• In the Modeler - Point Edit Mode.
• Select the 2 nearest points,
• Tap on "Extend"
• And then drag and move the icon to reposition the new points.
Point Snap Guide
• In the Modeler - Point Edit Mode.
• Select multiple points and then tap on "Snap Guide".
• Draw a guide on any axis, and the points will align to that guide.
• Note that this function does not work on perspective or orthographic views.
Point Twist
• In the Modeler - Point Edit Mode.
• Select multiple points and then tap on "Twist".
• Twist on X, Y or Z Axis.
Point Bend
• In the Modeler - Point Edit Mode.
• Select multiple points and then tap on "Bend".
• Bend on X, Y or Z Axis.
Point Taper
• In the Modeler - Point Edit Mode.
• Select multiple points and then tap on "Taper".
• Taper on X, Y or Z Axis.
Point Skew
• In the Modeler - Point Edit Mode.
• Select multiple points and then tap on "Skew".
• Skew on XY, YZ or XZ Axis.
Point Draw Poly
• In the Modeler - Point Edit Mode:
• Tap on "Draw Poly" to draw a new face.
• Two options are available: touch-point draw mode and draw-paint mode.
• In touch-point draw mode, touch the screen, and each point will be drawn.
• In draw-paint mode, draw on the screen to create any desired shape.
• Points drawn in a clockwise direction will generate an inward face.
• While points drawn in an anticlockwise direction will generate an outward face.
• Once the poly face is created, you can use the extrude tool to add depth to the poly face.
• If the shape is irregular, use the split poly and smooth shift tools to create depth.
Point Make Poly
• In the Modeler - Point Edit Mode.
• Select a minimum of 3 points and tap on "Make Poly" to create a new face.
• Point selection in a clockwise direction will generate an outward face,
• while point selection in an anticlockwise direction will generate an inward face.
Split Polygon
• In the Modeler - Point Edit Mode.
• Select the 2 points in polygon.
• Tap on Split Polygon.
• The Polygon will be Split automatically.
Points Merge
• In the Modeler - Point Edit Mode.
• Select the 2 nearest points.
• Tap on Points Merge.
• The Points will be Merge automatically.
Points Randomize
• In the Modeler - Point Edit Mode.
• Tap on Points Randomize.
• Adjust The Value and select X, Y or Z Axis.
Points Precision
• In the Modeler - Point Edit Mode.
• Select minimum 1 point.
• Tap on Points Precision.
• Adjust The Value in X, Y and Z Position.
Point Edge Crease
• In the Modeler - Point Edit Mode.
• Tap on Edge Crease.
• The Edge Crease Value is used to control the sharpness of the edges in the subdivided mesh.
• The Subdivision Level will be set automatically to level 3.