Wind Power Calculator

Wind Power Calculator iOS App for iPhone and iPad

iOS 8.0 +
17.3 MB

Wind Power Calculator can be used to calculate available power from a windmill
Available power in the wind can be expressed as
Pa = 1/2 ξ ρ A v3
P = power (W)
ρ = density of air (kg/m3)
ξ = efficiency of the windmill (in general less than 0.4, or 40%)
A = area wind passing through perpendicular to the wind (m2)
v = wind velocity (m/s)

Be aware that the density of air decreases with temperature and altitude and that the major factor in power generation is wind velocity.
a 20% increase in the wind velocity - increases the power generated with 73%

The energy generated by a windmill depends on the power generation as indicated above - and how often, or how many hours the wind blows - or more scientifically - the "wind speed frequency distribution" at the actual location.

The total energy generated over a year can be calculated by summarizing the power generation for all velocities (ranging from the actual windmill cut-in speed to the shut-down speed) multiplied with the no. of hours the wind blows at the actual speeds.

*Thanks for your support, stay tune for more update to come

*This is a universal app that work for both iPhone and iPad.


Wind Power Calculator iOS App for iPhone and iPad
Wind Power Calculator iOS App for iPhone and iPad
Wind Power Calculator iOS App for iPhone and iPad
Wind Power Calculator iOS App for iPhone and iPad
Wind Power Calculator iOS App for iPhone and iPad

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